Little League Memories 1958
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 A friend of mine who is writing a book of little league memories from the old timer of Douglas asked me to write my favorite memory from my little league days. As I wrote my memories I realized that those things that we do as kids, those things that happen to us when we are young impact us through out all our life. They influence who we are, and what we become. It is for this reason that I am including these memories of little league as a posting in my blog, "Luciano Is Being Seventy." Little League Memories 1958 Luciano Ramirez I am writing my Little League memories at the request of Hector Leon from Douglas, Arizona. I really appreciate the humongous effort that Hector is undertaking in making us, old little leaguers, dig into our memory banks and try to extract those memories that happened to us more than half a century ago. My memories are probably a little distorted and maybe a little embellished. What I am writing here is...